Viruses That Cause Diabetes

The Type 1 Diabetes Epidemic
There’s recently been an explosion of type 1 diabetes in children worldwide. This increase in the number of children diagnosed with diabetes each year is too fast (at an increasing rate of approximately 3% annually) and too dramatic to be explained by genetics alone. Also, twin studies have shown that if one monozygotic twin has diabetes, the other twin does not have more than a 50% chance of developing this disease. One would expect for monozygotic twins to both develop diabetes at a statistically significant rate if this disease were actually caused by genetics. Also, scientists have noted that children of immigrants who come from an area of the world with a low incidence of diabetes type 1, increase their risk of developing this disease compared to children who stay in their area of origin. These facts do not support the idea that type 1 diabetes is a genetically derived disease, does it? These facts have led scientists to look more closely at “environmental factors” that are correlated with the disease, namely viral infections. A number of scientists have found powerful correlations between viral infection and diabetes development and a substantial number of scientists have observed strong and compelling correlations between pathogenic infections and autoimmune disease in general.

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Reactive Oxygen Species Medicine to Kill Viruses Naturally
But before we can speak with hope about the idea that diabetes is caused by a viral infection, we have to believe that we can cure viral infections easily. For people who have recently left the folds of conventional medicine and also for those who have never heard of antiviral medicines that actually work, I refer the reader to reactive oxygen species medicines for more information.
This is hopeful information. We can treat viruses and there are some surprising at-home treatments for viral “colonization” that can make a huge impact on the body within a relatively short period of time. Reactive oxygen species medicines do not harm the gut flora and they also don’t damage the body the way that conventional antivirals do.
Viral Infection and Diabetes
Upon close investigation, it seems that in fact, viral infection can definitely contribute to the development of diabetes in susceptible patients. Some scientists have made epidemiological associations to demonstrate that viral infection often leads to the development of diabetes while other scientists have isolated specific viral pathogens from the islets of Langerhans to demonstrate that low-lying infection or “colonization” of viruses, and not autoimmunity, is the real underlying cause of this disease. A large amount of data has been gathered about viral infection as a cause for diabetes type 1 from animal models, but this information has not become mainstream and probably will never become mainstream. Nonetheless, it is well-established that viruses, in particular, can live in the pancreas after the main symptoms of an infection ends in a patient to colonize this organ and cause beta cell death that ultimately results in the development of diabetes type 1. Some patients may become infected with a virus and never have any symptoms at all, yet later develop type 1 diabetes when colonization of the virus in the pancreas hits critical mass.
Decades ago, scientists proclaimed that autoimmunity was not possible and that theories about autoimmunity were untenable, but autoimmune disease and the concept of autoimmunity is en vogue at the moment in scientific circles. Less than one hundred years ago, doctors felt strongly that the body would not attack itself. Perhaps something has changed in terms of human physiology, but it’s more likely that humans have been taught to believe that our body can actually turn against itself and self-destruct. The idea of autoimmunity has been propagated and it has become mainstream. Autoimmune disease, is after all, marketed as a life-long problem that people can’t overcome. Autoimmunity is like a metaphor for self-loathing where the emotional content of “automated self-hatred” and self-destruction can only be controlled and managed, but never cured. We might say that the idea of such a disease process as auto-immunity has a massive impact on human psychology or we might say that autoimmunity resonates with the basic human-self-image. In any case, overcoming the idea of autoimmunity might be more important in the initial stages of curing an autoimmune disease than any kind of understanding regarding “scientific” models of autoimmune disease. After all, scientists who request grants and receive funding to “see” autoimmunity and autoimmune disease processes readily do. But scientists who look with a more critical eye to disprove the theory of autoimmunity, also see that it isn’t real.
The idea of autoimmunity is hugely profitable for Big Pharma. But if what we believe to be “autoimmune disease” is actually a low-level infection or colonization of an organ or region of the body, then the question becomes more about finding ways to kill the viral colony where it has taken up residence. There is strong and compelling evidence that all so-called autoimmune diseases are actually caused by poor immunity (often due to iodine deficiency) and colonization by pathogens in specific organs and tissues in the body. Click here to read more about and see a list of the extensive amount of research showing that autoimmune disease is actually caused by pathogen colonization.
In this discussion, we’re going to talk about the viruses that cause diabetes and medicinal agents that can be used to get rid of the viruses in order to cure diabetes type 1. It’s important to note here that both diabetes type 1 and type 2 often involve beta cell destruction, so those with diabetes type 2 can also benefit from understanding the role that a low-lying viral infection can play in maintaining this disease. There is a growing consensus that diabetes type 1 and diabetes type 2 are actually the same disease, but that some patients manifest more symptoms of insulin resistance while others have trouble producing proper levels of insulin in the pancreatic beta cells. Dividing diabetes into separate labels (recently, Big Pharma has tried to create “diabetes type 3” as a diagnostic label), weakens patients in terms of finding a cure for their disease. Once a disease has more than one name and once it gets divided up by separate labels, finding actual evidence of cures used successfully by doctors and other health practitioners becomes substantially more difficult. For the purposes of our discussion here, the different labels for diabetes are insignificant. The information below is relevant to all types of diabetes.

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Types of Viruses That Cause Diabetes
There is compelling evidence suggesting that certain types of viruses can infect the pancreas and destroy beta cells. Below is a list of viruses that have been observed by scientists who are trying to find a cure for type 1 diabetes (as well as type 2 diabetes):- Hepatitis B
- Enteroviruses
- Cytomegalovirus
- Epstein-Barr virus
- Mumps virus
- Poliovirus
- Rotavirus
- Rubella virus
- Coxsackievirus B
The above listed viruses have all been observed as potentially harmful to insulin-producing beta cells and islets of Langerhans in the pancreas.
Diabetes and Viral Infection
The theory that diabetes is caused by a virus has existed since 1968 when studies showed that infecting adult mice with encephalomyocarditis virus could produce high blood sugar and the death of beta cells in the pancreas. Later studies showed that non-obese mice would spontaneously develop insulin insensitivity and “autoimmune diabetes” after being infected with cocksackivirus B3 and B4 as well as picornaviruses.To be fair, some studies have also shown that viral infection can reduce the incidence of type 1 diabetes, but scientists have speculated that this is likely due to the timing of infection, viral dose, or viral strain. There is a massive amount of scientific research and support for the idea that “autoimmunity” is not really autoimmunity at all, but rather low-level infection or colonization. Diabetes is just one type of autoimmune disease that has been shown to be caused by pathogenic colonization. Click here to see a list of other autoimmune diseases and their correlations to pathogens that scientists believe are causing the so-called “autoimmunity” symptoms. In any case, there are a number of diseases that can be cured by infecting the body with other pathogens. For example, one cure for cancer is malaria. A number of scientific studies have shown that “Plasmodium immunotherapy” or infection with the pathogen that causes malaria can cure cancer. Paradoxes like this can only be explained using other, non-conventional models of medicine that are outside the scope of this discussion.
Cocksackievirus B and Type 1 Diabetes
In 1969, scientists noted that many recently diagnosed type 1 diabetes patients had a higher level of antibodies against cocksackievirus B than other patients. These scientists also noted that there was a seasonal pattern to the onset of type 1 diabetes with higher levels of incidence in the late fall and early winter following outbreaks of coxsackievirus B infection. Remember though, some patients may not have symptoms of coxsackievirus infection (or infection with another diabetes-causing pathogen). Nonetheless, after exposure to the virus, the patient may develop type 1 diabetes as the virus colonizes in the pancreas.A decade later, a different group of scientists isolated coxsackievirus B from the pancreas of a child who had died of diabetic ketoacidosis immediately following the onset of the disease. These same scientists then infected mice with cocksackievirus B and noted that these mice later developed diabetes type 1.
Later, yet another group of scientists did serological studies that correlated type 1 diabetes with Epstein-Barr virus.
These studies created a lot of controversy among the elitists who belong to the higher ranks of Consensus Science. Nonetheless, additional studies confirmed that patients who had recently been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes were found positive for enterovirus. Enterovirus RNA and capsid protein VP1 was also detected in the beta-cells during pancreatic autopsies of patients with type 1 diabetes.
A meta-analyses of 24 studies found an association between type 1 diabetes and Epstein-Barr virus by measuring the remnants left behind by these viruses in stool, blood, and tissues.
To be fair, there are just a few, scanty studies that say that viral infection does not produce type 1 diabetes, but one could look at this minority report as the political backbone that prevents conventional medicine from actually tackling the problem of viral colonization to cure diabetes. If the majority of studies into pathogenic colonization / low-level infection of the pancreas demonstrate that specific pathogens are often present in the pancreas of patients with diabetes and not in patients who do not have diabetes, why are there not media stories to at least alert the public? And why are doctors not aware of the possibility of such an infection?
Scientists all over the world have speculated that low-grade infection of the islet cells and viral colonization of the pancreas, contributes significantly to the development of type 1 diabetes. Yet diabetes type 1 is still being treated throughout the world as an autoimmune disease by doctors of conventional medicine.
Viruses and Diabetes: The Big Picture
When we think about disease and viral infection or any type of infection in the human body, we have to look not just at one invading pathogen, but the ecological environment of the body and all of the microorganisms that seek to coexist therein. Some of this material about viruses might really stretch the imagination of our readers, but let’s go a bit sci fi, just for kicks and consider how viruses might help and also hurt the body. That way we can make peace with viruses, albeit under very specific conditions and while administering modulating medicinal agents to make sure that we still have the upper hand in the matter.Every microorganism that inhabits the human body has to compete for real estate with other microorganisms. Some of the microorganisms in the body are beneficial. They contribute to health, in part, by occupying and defending real estate inside the body that becomes unavailable to pathogenic microorganisms as a result. Some of the microorganisms in the body are only pathogenic if their numbers are not kept in check. Other microorganisms are relatively benign unless they begin to marinate in a particular pH milieu that doesn’t rebalance quickly. A low, persistent, acidic, pH, for example, has devastating effects on human health because it causes certain microorganisms to change shape and change behavior into pathogenic forms.
Helicobacter pylori is an excellent example of a pathogenic bacteria that changes form on the basis of pH level. Helicobacter pylori tries to maintain a neutral pH by secreting substances that keep the acidic environment of the stomach at tolerable levels. But H. pylori can also change from an active, drill-type corkscrew-shape into other shapes like a curved rod, a filament, or even a spherical shape that has heavy armor that can protect it from antibiotics as well as the highly acidic conditions in the stomach. The shape-changing ability of H. pylori is a strategy used by many bacteria to surmount difficult conditions inside the body.
The shape-changing nature of bacteria, protozoa, and other microorganisms is one door that leads into a very sci fi area of medicine that’s been around for centuries. Unfortunately, beyond this door, the scientific literature into shape-changing microorganisms has been bound and gagged. It goes back to the fork in the road where Louis Pasteur, the man given credit for germ theory, took the throne in consensus science rather than Antoine Bechamp in a sort of cosmic coin toss. Bechamp advocated for an entirely different model of medicine in which microzymas, also known as somatids, and other names were the star of the show rather than germs. Microzymas were microorganisms that changed shape on the basis of the body’s terrain which involves, as a crucial element, pH level. In Bechamp’s theory, “infection” occurred as a result of an ailing terrain with an acidic pH. In a famous argument between Bechamp and Pasteur that took place in a laboratory, Bechamp drank cholera-water and proclaimed that he would not become “infected” by it because his terrain was healthy. He drank the cholera water and never became ill.
It is at this juncture, that cholera, as a human illness becomes a relevant topic. It was during the cholera epidemics of the 1700-1800s when “safety coffins” were created to quell the fear of being buried alive. Stay with me readers…this may sound like I’ve lost the thread about curing diabetes, but I promise to bring this topic back to earth within a reasonable number of paragraphs. A safety coffin is a contraption that either connects to a bell or some kind of feeding and watering system that might prevent a person from being buried alive when in fact, that person was afflicted with an illness that made the body appear to be dead.
To be able to navigate this cholera-thought, we need to at least introduce the cholinergic system of the body. This is a system that involves acetylcholine as the primary neurotransmitter that makes things happen. Acetylcholine can bind to either nicotinic or muscarinic receptors within this system to accomplish a variety of tweaks and modulations in our breath, intestinal movement (or lack thereof), mucus secretions, movement, gait, balance, and time orientation. We might think of the cholinergic system as the facet of the autonomic nervous system that creates the connection between the soul or the animating principle and the physical body. This may also be the system alluded to by Don Juan in the Carlos Casteneda series of books that regulates the so-called “assemblage point”. The assemblage point is a moveable point in the energy field of the body that regulates the funnel of perception to make sure that we can focus on important details without becoming overwhelmed with too much information.
The cholinergic system is not well-understood by scientists. Doctors work with this system using drugs, but they definitely understand the system even less than scientists do. But we can still talk about the cholinergic system as laypeople and be humbled by what it can teach us about life and the various gradations of death that exist.
Gradations of death? This is getting crazy, right? But we all remember Romeo and Juliet. Most of us cry when this Shakespearean masterpiece is properly portrayed. Juliet takes a medicine that makes her seem dead. The medicine is given with the best intentions, but alas, Romeo kills himself before she awakes. And then of course, she kills herself too. This is a play about gradations of death and most humans since the 1500s when it was written, readily accept the plot without flinching. We might wonder about the medicine that Juliet received though. Does such a medicine exist?
Yes. In fact there are a number of them.
These medicines that can cause the appearance of death without causing actual death includes mostly herbs, but also drugs, and even certain toxins in the environment. The medicinal agents that can make a person look dead are those that overwhelm the nicotinic receptors of the cholinergic system. Nicotinic receptors mostly involve skeletal muscle movement which includes the diaphragm and breathing. When a person is bitten, for example, by the krait snake in Myanmar, the venom overwhelms the nicotinic receptors in the body which means that acetylcholine no longer has access to its own receptors at all. A person who has been bitten by this type of snake loses the ability to move as the venom lodges itself in the receptors. The body slowly becomes frozen yet the person’s consciousness is fully aware of everything that happens to them. The person who is locked inside the frozen, venom-stricken body, remains able to perceive pain, yet they can’t even breathe without help. Even the eyes eventually lose the ability to move.
The COVID vaccine and various types of viral infections can produce an effect similar to a krait snake bite, but on a much less dramatic level, which has led some people to speculate that there was actually snake venom in the vaccine. Long COVID is something that developed as a result of the viral COVID spike proteins occupying nicotinic receptors. But studies have shown that the spike protein from the COVID virus can occupy nicotinic receptors in a similar manner as krait snake venom. If COVID viruses can swoop in and overwhelm nicotinic receptors, then other viruses, in theory, can do the same.
So now, let’s go back to cholera. Cholera is a disease characterized by severe diarrhea. When a person dies of cholera, they die as a result of complications due to severe diarrhea. Cholera can be fatal within just hours of onset if it is not properly treated. However, most people who are exposed to cholera do not develop symptoms, or they may only develop mild symptoms.
The thing is, cholera diarrhea is mitigated, at least to some extent by vitamin B3 / nicotinic acid, which interacts with the nicotine receptors in the intestine. Nicotinic acid, a nutrient that the body requires, reverses and prevents the secretory effects of the cholera toxin. A patient taking 1-2 grams of nicotinic acid / vitamin B3 in divided doses experiences significantly less fluid loss as a result of diarrhea when infected with cholera. The volume of diarrhea is reduced by 31-47% during the first 16 hours after treatment. Patients who receive at least 1 gram of nicotinic acid / vitamin B3 have lower rates of purging, but giving 2 grams of this nutrient has even better results. Nicotinamide, another form of vitamin B3, does NOT work in the same way as nicotinic acid / niacin, though. But the main takeaway that I’m trying to get across is the idea that the nicotinic receptors play a role in cholera severity and they also play a role in Long COVID severity. Many substances both good and bad, can interact with the nicotine receptors to influence the extent to which the life force that makes the body move and that makes the organs function is properly seated in the cholinergic system.
Scientists have determined that moderate doses of nicotinic acid / vitamin B3 work to treat cholera naturally because the cholera toxin interacts with nicotine receptors in the gut. Research using hexamethonium, a drug that works as a nicotinic receptor antagonist in animals infected with cholera has shown that hexamethonium, like nicotinic acid, was able to stop the progression of cholera. In contrast, atropine (a muscarinic receptor antagonist) had no effect on cholera symptoms. Essentially though, the hexamethonium was able to “clear” the nicotinic receptors that had become overwhelmed by cholera toxin from the Vibrio cholerae bacteria. The cholera toxin clearly docks into the nicotinic receptors and stimulates them until a nicotinic receptor agonist that’s stronger than the cholera toxin removes them.
Pure nicotine as well as natural tobacco (known as Mapacho) has been used for centuries to remove toxins that have docked into nicotinic receptors, creating disruptions of various types throughout the body. Medicinal substances, toxins, or drugs can similarly dock into the muscarinic receptors to create an entirely different type of disruption in the body.
Almost every infectious disease might be categorized according to its muscarinic or nicotinic effects as these two receptor types in the cholinergic system of the body can produce nearly every symptom of any disease that afflicts mankind. In order to “clear” the nicotinic receptors in order to cure a disease like cholera, one might use vitamin B3 / nicotinic acid or pure nicotine from a low-dose nicotine patch (7 - 7.5 mg) The nicotinic acid and nicotine will kick the cholera toxin out of the nicotinic receptors “clearing” them, but nicotine won’t occupy the receptors for very long. As such, acetylcholine can begin working normally again in the nicotinic receptors so as to rebalance the body and heal it.
The muscarinic receptors are similar in terms of docking and “clearing”. Muscarine, a substance found in the Amanita muscaria mushroom can “clear” the muscarinic receptors in a manner similar to how nicotine can “clear” the nicotinic receptors. To clear muscarinic receptors, which often get clogged up with organophosphate insecticides, the Amanita mushroom is administered in microdoses.
Resignation Syndrome and Diabetes Type 1: A Comparison and Contrast
Resignation Syndrome is something that has been studied primarily in terms of refugee children in Sweden whose families were told by the government that they had to return to the war-torn country of their origin. In Resignation Syndrome, a child (or an adult) will suddenly become lethargic, less talkative, anorexic, and depressed. This state evolves into a coma and can last for an indefinite period of time.Though Resignation Syndrome is something that has been primarily studied in these children, who slowly revive and come back to life if the family receives word that they can stay in Sweden, in fact, it has existed since the beginning of time. When I worked in nursing facilities as a young woman, periodically a resident would fall into a Resignation Syndrome state. One patient that I remember very well was healthy one day and then she stopped eating and went into a twilight state of consciousness. As nursing assistants, we had to continue to feed this patient high-calorie, nutrient dense drinks which kept her alive, but her toes fell off one-by-one because she didn’t eat enough to keep her alive. Though I didn’t understand what was happening to this patient or other patients like her when I was a young woman, and none of my nursing assistant coworkers, nurses, or doctors knew what was going on with these patients, from my perspective now, I can see that these people has sent their energy away in order to try to endure some extreme form of fear or pain. One could look at this loss of life-force from the perspective of cells or we could look at it from the perspective of the nervous system. A lot of people aren’t comfortable with just talking about energy, chi, prana, life-force, or anything else that you can’t see with your own eyes and that’s okay. This loss of life-force can be observed at the cellular level and there are specific things that can cause life-force to go away. It’s important to note, however, that life-force that goes away can often come back too. A person who loses a lot of their life-force, even an older person, or a person who is very sick, can theoretically bring the life-force back if caregivers know what’s happening and know how to treat the problem. Indeed, above we talked about herbs and diseases like cholera that can make the body appear dead, but the life-force that’s been sent away (we refer the reader back to our discussion about nicotinic and muscarinic receptors of the cholinergic system) by these herbs or disease toxins, can come back, under specific conditions, to re-animate the body.
Dr. Robert Naviaux calls Resignation Syndrome by a different name: The Cell Danger Response. He’s studied the cells to see what’s going on at the cellular level in Resignation Syndrome to find that cells will go into a state of dormancy when there is a biological or emotional trauma that threatens it. This ability of the human body to go into a more dormant state at the cellular level can actually save a person’s life even as it looks like the person is dying or dead. Cells that are dormant are less attractive to viruses that wish to replicate inside the cell, for example. As such, when many cells are in a dormant state, the body may be protected to some extent from being overwhelmed by a viral infection that kills every cell.
Dr. Stephen Porges, in contrast, has observed the autonomic nervous system in regard to Resignation Syndrome symptoms. His Polyvagal Theory notes that animals that are being chased by a predator will run until captured and then collapse, as though dead when caught. This behavior is automatic and he calls it the “Play Dead Response” or “Freeze Response”. Like the Swedish refugee children, an animal that goes into a free response will lose consciousness, sparing itself the pain of imminent death, but the sudden collapse into a twilight state that looks similar to death itself can sometimes be enough to ward off the interest of a deadly predator. We all know that playing dead can save our lives under certain conditions, what’s less well known is the fact that the body will naturally, unconsciously “play dead” even if we are not fully conscious of the threat posed to our lives.
In other words, though there are emotions, medicines and venoms and toxins that can cause the body to collapse and then appear to be dead, our bodies are also naturally equipped with a reflex to go into a state of Resignation Syndrome.
Humans who face down some type of terrifying experience or a stressor that slowly chips away at the person’s sense of safety in the world can end up in a state of Resignation Syndrome that can look and feel (to the patient) like brushing with death. This person may or may not be aware of the emotional stressor on a conscious level. They may not be aware of toxins or pathogens that might be causing the “play dead” response. While a refugee child may become comatose, an adult who can’t pay the bills and then becomes ill with a major, expensive illness, may instead become listless and depressed. While an animal that’s caught by the neck might collapse as though dead, a human who is gripped by something that seems hopeless and insurmountable may develop what appears to be a major illness caused by an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system (which is undergirded by the nicotinic and muscarinic receptors).
Studies have shown, for example, that life stressors and post-traumatic stress are a major influence in the development of type 1 diabetes. There is a compelling relationship between severe psychological trauma and the development of diabetes and it’s important that we note this relationship in this discussion. In other words, emotional, biological, social, or physical trauma can impact the body’s ability to assert glycemic control. Until the trauma is released and the ongoing stressors removed, a person with diabetes type 1 may have difficulty overcoming this disease fully, even if they work with all of the most powerful cures for diabetes. When a person feels threatened emotionally or when the body is overwhelmed by a pathogen or a toxic substance, cells stop responding to insulin. This is, by definition, what it looks like when a cell has gone dormant in The Cell Danger Response. Though the person with diabetes may not be comatose, there is concern about diabetic coma as a possible outcome. Cells in the state of dormancy that occurs in those with diabetes type 1 develop insulin resistance that’s synonymous to Resignation Syndrome.
Studies have found that a diagnosis of diabetes type 1 is, itself traumatic. In fact, though there may be an initial trauma that causes the cells to go into a Cell Danger / Resignation Syndrome response, when diabetes type 1 is diagnosed, many patients are further traumatized. Diabetes type 1 patients thus need trauma-release therapies, ideally using something like Ayahuasca, as a treatment that can heal the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas so as to overcome emotional and biological traumas that are causing the disease.
Adverse experiences in childhood (but also in adulthood) are linked to a number of chronic diseases, including type 1 diabetes. That being said, it might be useful for type 1 diabetes patients to seek treatment not just for glycemic control, but also to release trauma using the “trauma-informed therapies”. Trauma-release, in fact, according to models of trauma-informed therapy is more about integration of life-force energy and not a “release” at all. Models such as Internal Family Systems that have been developed by Richard Schwartz can help patients reclaim life-force energies and sub-personalities that have dissociated from the patient’s Core Self. These sub-personalities are energies that have been “sent away” into the realm of the unconscious in order for the patient to survive some kind of trauma.
Clearing the Muscarinic Receptors to Treat Diabetes
Patients with diabetes often do not produce enough insulin to make sure that cells receive the necessary nutrients to sustain life. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes involve a combination of insulin production problems and/or insulin sensitivity issues in the cells of the body. Though type 1 diabetes is viewed as an autoimmune disease, in fact, type 1 and type 2 diabetes share many similarities and some scientists argue that they are the same disease and that neither are caused by autoimmunity.A number of studies in the scientific literature have indicated that acetylcholine, the primary neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic nervous system that feeds organ tissues such as the pancreas, can improve insulin secretion from beta cells. Indeed, in mice, scientists have shown that M3 muscarinic receptors are the type of receptor primarily used to spur insulin secretion by beta cells in the pancreas.
There are 5 known muscarinic receptor subtypes: M1, M2, M3, M4, M5. These muscarinic receptor subtypes account for some of the variation in terms of what acetylcholine does in different areas of the body. Recall that acetylcholine interacts with both nicotinic and muscarinic receptors, but that many substances in nature, such as nicotine, as well as vitamin B3 / nicotinic acid, muscarine, muscimol, and more interact with the nicotinic and muscarinic receptors. Nicotinic receptors are so-named for their affinity for nicotine as a natural substance that has been used since the dawn of time from ceremonial plants such as tobacco / Nicotiana rustica. Muscarinic receptors are so-named for their affinity to muscarine, a substance found in the Amanita muscaria mushroom, which has also been used since the dawn of time as an entheogenic herb to produce visions and dreams.
Recently, scientists have studied the interaction of acetylcholine at the muscarinic receptors to demonstrate that the M3 muscarinic receptor is vital in the secretion of insulin from the beta cells. This means that the Amanita muscaria mushroom would also assist in the secretion of insulin as a muscarine-containing mushroom that does, in fact, interact with the M3 receptors.
In mice, the M3 muscarinic receptor is the subtype that exclusively mediates insulin secretion from the pancreas. Mice that had poor insulin sensitivity, low insulin production, and high blood sugar had too few M3 receptors while those with a higher-than average number of M3 receptors were resistant to developing diabetes and high blood sugar even when they were fed high-sugar diets. These studies suggest that the use of Amanita muscaria may help to improve beta-cell signalling to produce more insulin naturally as a treatment for both diabetes type 1 and type 2.
Anti-psychotic Medications That Cause Diabetes Through Muscarinic Receptor Interaction
A number of second-generation antipsychotic drugs that are widely prescribed by doctors for a number of health problems due to their muscarinic effects on the body, cause abnormal blood sugar metabolism that can lead to the development of diabetes. While there are healthy muscarinic receptor medicines that “clear” and heal the receptors, there are also unhealthy muscarinic receptor “toxins” that can block the receptors or cause damage to the receptors. As a general rule, the natural substances like atropine that have not been modified in a synthetic derivative in a lab will not harm the receptors. Synthetic derivative drugs, unfortunately, can clog up the receptors or harm the receptors. The body can heal, but if you’ve been exposed to a drug or a toxin, you’ll have to detoxify and remove the toxin from the body in order for muscarinic receptors to heal.A number of antipsychotic drugs interact with acetylcholine receptors, in particular the nicotinic receptors because, in fact, some of the most devastating types of psychosis, such as schizophrenia, are caused by niacin / nicotinic acid / vitamin B3 deficiency or the heightened need by a patient for high-dose niacin / nicotinic acid / vitamin B3. In other words, many antipsychotic drugs try to emulate the effects of nicotine or vitamin B3, but they miss the mark and instead emulate the effects of acetylcholine such that the drugs also interact pathologically with the muscarinic receptors. Of special note is the affinity of these antipsychotic drugs for the M3 muscarinic receptor which can ultimately cause patients with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or other types of psychosis to develop diabetes.
Drugs like olanzapine and clozapine are two examples of second generation antipsychotics that cause the highest incidence of diabetes as a result of their pathological interaction with the M3 muscarinic receptors. Studies showing that antipsychotic drugs and diabetes are related, demonstrate how a blockade of the muscarinic receptors can reduce insulin secretion which can ultimately lead to the development of diabetes type 1 or type 2. In the previous sections above, however, we talked about how nicotinic receptor blockade can lead to Resignation Syndrome symptoms which is also referred to as The Cell Danger Response or the Freeze Response in Polyvagal Theory.
Studies demonstrating that antipsychotic drugs cause diabetes, have allowed scientists to see that muscarinic receptor M3 density can be reduced in the hypothalamus and brainstem, areas of the nervous system that regulate blood sugar levels and insulin secretion via the vagus innervation of the pancreas. This is an important discovery because it shows that patients might be able to use natural medicines that can “clear” and heal the muscarinic receptors to cure diabetes, both type 1 and type 2. Other types of medicines might also be necessary, depending on the underlying reason why the M3 muscarinic receptors are blocked or at low density. In any case, readers should know that muscarinic receptor density as well as nicotinic receptor density can change in response to changes in diet, nutrient supplementation, pathogens, and interaction with muscarinic or nicotinic herbs and medicines.
Now, let’s go back to the idea of Coxsackievirus infections and other types of infection that can cause diabetes. If diabetes is being caused by a low-level infection that is, perhaps hijacking either the M3 muscarinic receptors in the brain and / or the beta cells of the pancreas themselves, then you would have to understand that this is happening and then treat the body accordingly in order to overcome the disease.Coxsackievirus is one of several viruses that belong to the genus Enterovirus. Other Enteroviruses include:
- Enterovirus A-J
- Rhinovirus A-C
- Poliovirus
- Echovirus
- Coxsackievirus A-B
- More..
As we’ve already noted, Coxsackievirus B is the viral infection that is most heavily correlated with the later development of type 1 diabetes, but the other types of viruses can also cause diabetes. Indeed, Coxsackievirus B can cause a number of inflammatory diseases including:
- Meningitis
- Myocarditis
- Pancreatitis
This gives us a snapshot of how these viral infections can cause chronic health problems if they aren’t properly treated using something like reactive oxygen species medicines with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) to access deep areas of the brain and organs such as the pancreas. Coxsackievirus B can cause myocarditis via its impact not just on the M3, but also the M2 muscarinic receptor. While the scientific research is geared to look at antibodies against the muscarinic receptors as “auto-antibodies” and evidence of autoimmunity, in fact, these antibodies may simply be trying to “clear” the muscarinic receptors of viral or toxin blockades.
For the most part, Coxsackievirus B produces no symptoms or only mild symptoms such as:
- Fever
- Summer cold
- Rash
Replication of the Coxsackievirus B takes place primarily in the intestines, liver, gallbladder or pancreas. Indeed, this virus is especially fond of taking up residence in the pancreas, and it has a noteworthy attraction toward the insulin-producing beta-cells in particular.
The Coxsackievirus attaches to the surface of a human cell and when this happens, its capsid proteins change shape so that the RNA genome can enter the human cell. It is believed that the RNA genome enters the cell through a hole made by the virus, but this has never formally been observed by scientists. In any case, scientists have observed that the Coxsackievirus tends to exploit the host cells’ “machinery” to their advantage in order to enter the cell and hijack the cells DNA. Viral particle release from the human cell has never been formally observed either so the process is still unknown. Scientists believe, however, that viral particles are released via lysis of the cell, apoptosis (programmed cell death), or the permeable cellular membrane.
The coxsackievirus, of course, is the most common pathogen that can cause diabetes type 1 according to scientists, but the other pathogens that we list above seem to cause this disease through a similar mechanism of action involving low-level infection / colonization of the pancreatic beta cells.
Beta Cell Death and Beta Cell Rebirth in the Pancreas
The Enterovirus genus of viruses disrupt beta cell function in the pancreas. Some of the Enteroviruses have cytolytic effects on beta cells - they cause the beta cells to explode and die. Others replicate inside the human cell without destroying it.Some scientists have also observed Enterovirus infections that stimulate beta cell “rebirth” or proliferation. These scientists have noted that markers for “proliferation” of beta cells were never found within the same cell and they hypothesized that factors associated with viral replication inside one cell might actually stimulate the growth and proliferation of neighboring beta cells.
Coxsackievirus B4 can apparently be either “diabetogenic” (tending to cause diabetes) or “non-diabetogenic” (not tending to cause diabetes). While the diabetogenic form of Coxsackievirus B4 tends to cause diabetes, the non-diabetogenic form tends to destroy the exocrine pancreas that releases pancreatic enzymes from alpha-cells. It’s worth noting that the non-diabetogenic form tends to produce islets of Langerhan and beta cell rebirth and growth.
The herbal combination cure for diabetes, Ayahuasca, works at least in part through its activity in the cholinergic system of the body to clear blocks in the muscarinic and / or nicotinic receptors as well as to purge the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas as a unit (as opposed to as separate organ systems) through bile reflux vomiting or sometimes diarrhea in order to remove toxins and pathogens that are causing disease or mental illness. Indeed, Ayahuasca is nearly always administered by a shaman along with some form of nicotine from the tobacco plant, Nicotiana rustica. Shaman may begin the Ayahuasca ceremony by administering Rapeh / Rápe as a snuff to the participant or they may administer the tobacco / nicotine as puffs of smoke that are blown onto the patient throughout the ceremony.
Insulin Levels and Coxsackievirus Infection
Infection of the islets of Langerhans with Coxsackievirus B3, B4, or B5 reduces insulin levels and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in the body.Type 1 diabetes mice who have been infected with Coxsackievirus B4 in their islets of Langerhans demonstrate a reduction in insulin levels and high blood sugar levels that results in type 1 diabetes. In human subjects, similar results have been observed after infection with Coxsackievirus B4. That being said, however, killing the virus may not always be enough to cure diabetes. Patients may also need to work with muscarinic or nicotinic receptor medicines to rebalance the cholinergic system.
Medicines That Can Be Used to Cure Diabetes Type 1
In this discussion, we’ve talked about the presence of pathogens like viruses that can kill beta cells in the pancreas which can, in turn, cause type 1 diabetes. Below are medicines that can kill these viruses and a brief overview of how to use them:- Reactive Oxygen Species Medicines - These are medicines that release tiny ions that react powerfully with acidic pathogens. There are several reactive oxygen species medicines that are available over-the-counter and that are easy to use even by laypeople.
- Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) or Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) -DMSO is a penetration enhancing medicine that can be combined with a reactive oxygen species medicine like food grade hydrogen peroxide or chlorine dioxide solution / miracle mineral supplement to make it more targeted and more powerful.
- Ayahuasca - Ayahuasca is an herbal combination treatment and a powerful hallucinogenic medicine that works by killing pathogens and purging them from the body among other things.
Killing pathogens that are causing a low-level infection is important in order to cure diabetes type 1, but it’s also important to rebuild the immune system at the same time. The Lugol’s Iodine Protocol is a nutritional supplementation program designed to help people rebuild immunity in order to make the body less habitable to low-level infection with pathogens.
In addition to rebuilding immunity after killing viruses and other pathogens that cause diabetes, you may also need to work with medicine to overcome nicotinic receptor overload by toxins or pathogens and possibly also muscarinic receptor overload as well. This might involve a 10 day program with low-dose (3rd step) nicotine patches or Mapacho (pure tobacco as the Nicotiana rustica plant) and also the Amanita muscaria in very low doses of 50-100 mg of the whole mushroom.
If you kill viruses or pathogens but you fail to rebuild your immune system, your body will remain vulnerable, so it’s important to rebuild immunity. But even if you take nutrient supplements and rebuild immunity, if your nicotinic or muscarinic receptors are being occupied or otherwise afflicted in some way by pathogens or toxins from pathogens, you may have a hard time reclaiming your health.
Nicotinic Receptor-Clearing and Healing Medicines
Niacin / nicotinic acid / vitamin B3 can help in heal the nicotinic receptors, but nicotine in its pure form either in Mapacho / Tobacco / Nicotiana rustica (not cigarettes or vaping products) plays a powerful role in clearing nicotinic receptors that have become overwhelmed by toxins or pathogens. In the Amazon, shaman use a medicine known as Rapeh / Rápe which contains tobacco to treat nicotinic receptor problems.Third stage, 7-7.5 mg Nicotine patches can be used as a nicotinic receptor-healing medicine. Begin by doing 3 days of nicotine patch therapy with only 3 mg. To lower the daily dose, put tape over one half of the nicotine patch (do not cut the patch as this will destroy it’s “extended release” function). After 3 days at 3 - 3.25 mg, begin administering 7-7.5 mg daily for 7 more days. On the 10th day of treatment, take 2-7 days off before beginning again.
Muscarinic Receptor-Clearing and Healing Medicines
The Amanita muscaria mushroom plays a vital role in clearing and healing muscarinic receptors that have become overwhelmed by toxins or pathogens.Administer Amanita muscaria as a microdose at between 25-100 mg per day. Administer the mushroom in the evening before bed. Smaller doses may have a better effect and may be less likely to produce a detoxification reaction.
Some people experience bile reflux vertigo or stomach acid reflux symptoms which are sometimes allergy, cold, or flu-like as the gastric acid refluxing irritates the eyes, ears, sinuses, and even the lungs via the connection between the esophagus and the trachea / bronchial tubes. The eustachian tubes that lead to the ears can convey bile or stomach acid to the inner ears to cause vertigo or even ear infection. Eyes may become dry or watery. Headaches may occur and runny nose or allergy / cold symptoms.The use of chitosan to mitigate these gastric or bile acid reflux effects can be helpful during nicotine and muscarine treatment.

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